Call To Action

Skyrocket your career to the next level NOW

Don’t let a recession stop you, act now to future proof your career
Excel in your PM career and become a Product Leader with our tailored PM leadership program that sets you up for success. Join our mentorship program, grow your career as  a leader that people admire and earn up to $350k.
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It’s time to position yourself as a leader, grow your team and become the product thought-leader of tomorrow.

Learn how to lead

Our tried and tested program will take you from a frustrated PM working crazy hour weeks to a senior leader who is respected and admired. Let us help you build a strategy to success to get you a seat in the boardroom.
Learn the skills you need to show your manager that you are a Product Leader and be mentored by professionals who have been where you are today.

Invest in yourself and see tangible results FAST

Don't wait for the recession to be over, become an all-star product leader TODAY

Are you worried about your professional future? Is your current role secure? Is your manager backing you and helping you succeed?
Landing a job is only the beginning. Our tailored, six-module program teaches you how to keep your job during a recession and how to grow into a product leader that can earn over $350k.
You'll gain valuable leadership skills, grow your confidence and accelerate your career. Are you ready?
Submit Your Application Today!

PMA Leader is dedicated to teaching you how to go from an average employee to a product leader. With six-modules, practical case studies, and a personal mentor you'll learn every aspect of getting (and thriving!) in a senior leadership role.

Tell me why it works

Six targeted modules

Learn FAANG-approved power skills, management tools, leadership training and presentation execution.

Learn to lead

Can you influence without authority? Can you leverage relationships company-wide? We'll teach you these skills.

Build a network

Build a network of product leaders who can support your growth. collaborate with you and champion you.

Fast-track promotion

Create a step-by-step promotion strategy that takes you where you want to be.

Execute an executive presence

Get your seat in the boardroom and learn how to position yourself as a senior leader.

Meet your mentor:Dr. Nancy Li

Dr. Nancy Li made the same mistakes as you, if not even more, early in her product career. She was perceived as a pushover, she wasn't confident and she was underpaid.
Learn her unique product leader blueprint that helped her become Director of Product in just four years. She excelled giving executive presentations and became one of the youngest and highest paid product executives.

Become the product leader that people admire and fast-track your success

On average, our students get promoted within 12-18 months of putting our PMA Leader strategies into practice. It's time to invest in yourself and your career before it's too late. With a recession looming, it will be at least five years before the economy recovers. Are you willing to put your career on hold?
If the answer is no, sign up to our next free leadership masterclass to kickstart your journey to product leader.
Submit Your Application Today

See What our students have to say...


Product Manager, Meta

PMA coaches go above and beyond. The career development techniques can be used in my day-to-day work at Meta. Dr. Nancy also encourages her students to be more confident and proactive at work.


Jacqui T.

Technical Product Manager at American Express

Since starting in my role, I've been feeling quite confident, and I really attribute some of this to the training and knowledge I've acquired during my time in Nancy's accelerator. I got promoted with in 10 months into my new job and received the highest merit award in my company.

Eduardo C.

Senior Director of Product Marketing at Box

Nancy is an empathic coach who genuinely cares about her students, either fine tuning experienced product leaders or accelerating the learning curve for first-time product managers. I was impressed by Nancy’s pro-active style and openness to providing personalized advice.

Ready to join PMA Leader?

Attend our free leadership masterclass

Learn how to create strategic long-term roadmaps, how to build a network, and how to leverage existing relationships.

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Fill out our application form and schedule an interview call with our Head of Admissions.

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Successful applicants join PMA Leader and receive instant access to training, mentorship and support.
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